How does a good girl coming of age in 1950s Albany, New York, play the field when boys control the dating game?
The boys who like Angela aren‛t always the ones she pines for in her diary. Angela is dismayed that boys look down on the girls they have pushed to go all the way. She wants to avoid a fast reputation but yearns for no-strings-attached flirtations and slow dances with as many cute guys as she can juggle.
Angela confides in and treasures her emancipated, artistic mentor. Sparks fly when her parents bar Angela from acting on her dating preferences.
The events of one summer night forever color Angela‛s family relationships but cannot diminish her boy-crazy ways. The secret thrills in Angela‛s Boy Crazy diary harken back to the days when Elvis was young and cell phones, computers, and the sexual revolution had yet to change American life.